Coronavirus. What should we do?

Hey everyone. I assume you have heard about this virus that has been spreading around the world like wildfire and it can scare us. Something that we don’t know much about and it doesn’t help that the media and everyone around us are making a big fuss about it. It’s hard to know what to do during this very confusing and chaotic time. I mean just a couple months ago, Australia was on fire and there was hysteria that the United States would go to war soon.

Even though there may be so much chaos going around, we have a direction that we are told to go with. We are given the same reassurance that the first Christians were given when they had no idea if they would die today or tomorrow either by disease, hunger, or murdered for their faith. Now I’m not belittling those worried about the virus but rather putting it in perspective.

Even if the worst were to happen, we still have Jesus and a destination for us with a place to be with God after we die. In John 14:3, Jesus gives us more reassurance of our place for us after we die so we can have peace in this life. So live the life that Jesus wants us to live. A life of peace, a life of obeying God and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and the peace that comes with it.

We do this by depending on him and growing closer to God in times of crisis and uncertainty. We do this by keeping our lives in perspective of the bigger picture of Gods plan for you and the world. So have peace, have confidence and please wash your daggum hands and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and not the virus itself.

I hope you all have a great day and if anyone wants to talk about anything, just comment below or message me and I’ll respond when I can.

Published by Mtclark2014

Just an average guy that loves Jesus, football and wanting to learn more about God everyday. I post my devotions and lessons on here to gather my thoughts together. So if I make a mistake, tell me and if you know places where I can learn more, tell me that too. I hope y’all have a great day.

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